Project Profiles
Grant Hill WWTP
Project: Residential Development
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Capacity: 106 m3/d (28,000 gpd)
Contract: Design-Build-Operate
Key Features: Modular and Expandable; Class A Effluent; Good Neighbour Unobtrusive
This advanced wastewater treatment plant serves 110 Residential Units. It has been designed to be built in two phases. Phase 1 of the plant was completed in 2013, and Phase 2 was in 2018.
The plant consists of a coarse bar screen, USBF® bioreactors, sand filters and UV disinfection.
Since the effluent is discharged to ground in the vicinity of an aquifer, Class A reclaimed water quality effluent was stipulated as follows:
BOD5 and TSS of less than 10 mg/L, Total Nitrogen of less than 20 mg/L, average Turbidity of 2 NTU, and Median Fecal Coliform of 200 MPN/100 mL.
The plant is currently operated by ECOfluid under O&M contract with the development strata corporation.