Project Profiles
Tonto Apache Tribe WWTP
Project: Hotel & Casino
Location: Payson, AZ
Capacity: 300 m3/d (80,000 gpd)
Contract: Design-Supply
Key Feature: Compact; Modular and Expandable; Odorless- Noisless-Hidden; Highly Flucating Flows, Water Reuse
When the Tonto Apache Tribe decided to expand its casino operations to include a 100-room hotel, complete with convention space and food service operations located on their 87-acre reservation in Payson, Arizona they were looking for technology
- that would allow for growth
- that would be dependable
- that would fit into a relatively small footprint
- that could handle the flow variations from the hotel, casino and convention center
- that was easy to operate so they could manage it themselves
- that would be quiet, obtrusive and odorless so that it could be installed on the parking lot facing the casino main entrance.
The USBF® process was selected to meet these design objectives. The process, augmented with tertiary treatment consisting of sand filtration and UV disinfection, produces effluent suitable for reuse in the fire suppression systems of the hotel, casino and convention center and for local irrigation.

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